Experience Western small town life
with AJ Todd.

Young readers will relate to his conflicts, older readers will chuckle as they relive the
struggles of their own growing years.

Expect to enjoy some adventure, a hint of adolescent romance,
a little sadness and humor.


Don, I read your book in one sitting and really enjoyed it. It's funny, suspenseful, and rings with truth. We live in a small town and your book is the type of story I could imagine a favorite cowboy neighbor spinning over the campfire. I am a novelist aspiring to be published, so I know how hard it is to craft a long piece of fiction with action and heart – and you have achieved both. Congratulations!

 -- Jewel Punzalan Allen

Horse Sense

I read your book. Nice job. I appreciated the character build and the storyline. Well worth my reading.

-- Stephen J. Simich


I came home from getting the oil changed in the car today and checked my e-mail. Started to read your story and couldn’t stop until I finished. I Loved it. It is great and should be published.

-- Julia Foster


I read “Horse Sense” on the plane while flying to Texas and thoroughly enjoyed it. I kept trying to imagine which parts of the story were actual events and found myself wanting more of the story. You are a great writer!
Thanks so much for the labor of love and words of wisdom.

-- Nancy Anderson


I met Don Roundy several years ago when he made me the best pair of custom boots that I had ever owned. When he contacted me to read his Book “Horse Sense,” I was very intrigued to see what he had to say. First, I must say that I am a firm believer that you get back in life what you give out to the world. This book is the perfect tale of “What goes around comes around”.

I enjoyed the story so much as I was able to connect to the characters as an adult who has had life experiences. I feel that it is also very relatable to young people to understand their role in life in being responsible to themselves, families and other people that God puts in their path. Horse Sense is an adventure that incorporates a lot of “Horse Sense” in telling a story of loyalty and believing in what is just and staying true to who you are.

“Horse Sense” relates to all emotions; laughter, love, sad anger about injustice and finally the triumph of a sensational ending which I must say was unexpected. It was fun, suspenseful and pulled at my heart strings. You cannot read this book without having your emotions stirred.

I would highly recommend this as a great read for adults as well as young people.

-- Merrill Osmond, Entertainer

If you would like to own a copy of my book Horse Sense send a check for $10.00 to

Don Roundy 4826 South 2200 West Taylorsville UT 84129

or call 801-965-9455 with cc#